Cookie policy


Cookies Policy:
This web site, as do the majority of Web sites on the Internet, uses cookies to improve the user experience. In the following you will find information explaining what cookies are, what type of cookies are used on this web site, how cookies can be deactivated on your web browser and how to specifically deactivate the installation of cookies by third parties. For any additional information, please write to:

What are cookies?
Cookies are small files of information from some platforms, such as web sites, that can be installed on your computer, smartphone, tablet or smart television. These files are stored on the user’s computer and contain anonymous information that are not harmful to your device. Their purposes can be very diverse: store your navigating preferences, such as selected language, gather statistical information, allow certain technical functions, etc. At times cookies are used to store basic information about the user’s or computers navigating habits, up to a certain point, as appropriate, so as to recognize it later.

Why are they important?
Cookies are useful for various purposes. From a technical point of view, they help web sites work correctly and faster and adapt to your preferences, for example, such as storing your language or your country’s currency. In addition, they help those responsible for the site to measure use and performance, in order to improve the services that are provided, thanks to the statistical information that is gathered from cookies.

How do we use cookies?
Navigating on a web site assumes that the following types of cookies can be installed, according to the purpose:

Technical cookies
Technical cookies are those that are essential and strictly necessary for the proper use of a web site and the use of various options and services that it offers.
For example, they serve to maintain the session, manage the response time, performance or validity of options, using security elements, etc.

Improved performance cookies
This type of cookies keeps your preferences for certain tools or services so that you do not have to reconfigure them each time you visit our web site and, in some cases, they can be provided to third parties. Some examples are: volume of audiovisual players or the speed of compatible videos.

Personalization cookies
These cookies allow a user to specify or personalize some characteristics from the general options on the web site, for example, such as defining the language, regional configuration or type or browser.

Geo-locating cookies
These cookies are used by programmers who attempt to geographically locate the computer, smartphone, table or smart television, in order anonymously offer it more adequate content and services.

Statistical analysis cookies
These are those cookies that, when dealt with properly by us or third parties, allow us to quantify the number of visitors and statistically analyze the how much users use our services. Thanks to these, we can study the browsing trends of our web site and improve the services or products that we offer.

Registry cookies
Registry cookies are created when the user registers for a web site or service or when, having previously received access information, registers for that web site or service. They allow access to the different sections of the Web without having to submit credentials on every page.
In summary, these cookies allow the user to stay identified and be able to access certain services after signing out, closing the browser or turning off them connected device.

Publicity cookies
These are cookies used by us or third parties. These cookies allow for the efficient management of publicity spaces on our web site, adapting the content of the announcement to the content of the service requested or to the user to uses our web site. Thanks to these we can learn your internet browsing habits and show you publicity related with your browsing profile.

Personal cookies
These are cookies that are sent to the user’s terminal from the computer or domain that is managed by us once the service that the user requested is provided.

Third party cookies
These are cookies that are sent to the user’s computer from a computer or domain that is not managed by us, rather by another organization that deals with information obtained from installed cookies. An example of how this is used on our web site is with Google Analytics, which obtains information about browsing to measure and analyze the audience.

Also, depending on the period, cookies are distinguished between:
Session cookies
Session cookies are those that last the length of time that the user is browsing on this web site and they are erased when finished.

Persistent cookies
These cookies stay stored on the user’s device, for a longer time, to make the control of chosen preferences easier and without having to repeat certain parameters each time that you visit this web site.

How can I configure my preferences?
To comply with the present law, we have to ask your permission to manage cookies. If you decide not to authorize the use of cookies by not accepting it, we only need to use technical cookies, due to the fact that they are essential for browsing on our web page. In this case, we will not store any cookies on your device. In the case of browsing our web site without denying your authorization, this implies that you accept the use of cookies.

You can allow, block or eliminate cookies that are installed on your device from the settings options in your internet browser. In the case that you block them, it is possible that some characteristics of the pages will not work, we cannot offer personalized services. In addition to this, each time that you browse our web site, we will have to ask you for your authorization to use cookies again.

If you need more information about administering cookies, please consult the Official Gazette of the State, published this past 31st of March, 2012 (for Spain) where the directives for material in electronic communication is presented. You can also see the directive at

If you wish to contact us regarding our Cookies Policy, please write us at:

Cookies utilizadas en Les Acàcies

Cookies técnicas o de personalización:

__stripe_midthird party1 añopara proporcionar prevención del fraude.
__stripe_sidsession30mpara proporcionar prevención del fraude.
wordpress_test_cookiesessionSesiónEsta cookie se usa para que el gestor de contenidos WordPress compruebe si el navegador tiene las cookies activadas.
moove_gdpr_popupsession1 mesCookie necesaria que registra sus preferencias y consentimientos de cookies según valores de la sección AJUSTES.
woocommerce_cart_hashsessionSesiónWoocommerce utiliza esta cookie y contiene la información del carrito del usuario final.
wp_woocommerce_sessionsession1 díaContiene un código único para cada cliente para que sepa dónde encontrar los datos de compra en la base de datos para cada cliente.
woocommerce_items_in_cartsessionSesiónCookie que almacena información sobre el carrito de la compra del cliente y sus artículos.
wp-wpml_current_languagethird party1 díaAlmacena el idioma actual. De forma predeterminada, esta cookie está configurada solo para usuarios registrados. Si habilita la cookie de idioma para admitir el filtrado AJAX, esta cookie también se establecerá para los usuarios que no hayan iniciado sesión.
wp-wpml_current_admin_languagesessionSesiónAlmacena el idioma actual del área de administración de WordPress.
_icl_visitor_lang_jssessionSesiónAlmacena el idioma redirigido.

Cookies analíticas

_gapersistent2 añosCookie analítica generada por Google Analytics para distinguir a los usuarios y sesiones. La cookie se crea cuando se ejecuta la biblioteca de JavaScript y las cookies no UTMA __ existentes. La cookie se actualiza cada vez que los datos se envían a Google Analytics. Más información.
_ga_{property-id}persistent2 añosRecopila datos sobre el número de veces que un usuario ha visitado el sitio web además de las fechas de la primera visita y de la más reciente. Utilizada por Google Analytics.
_gatpersistent1 minutoSe usa para limitar el porcentaje de solicitudes. Si se ha implementado Google Analytics mediante Google Tag Manager
_gat_gtag_{property-id}persistent1 minutoSe usa para limitar el porcentaje de solicitudes. Si se ha implementado Google Analytics mediante Google Tag Manager
_gidpersistent1 díaCookie analítica generada por Google Analytics para almacenar y actualizar un valor único por cada página visitada que se utiliza para hacer recuento de cuántas veces visita el sitio un usuario, así como la fecha de la primera y la última vez que visitó la web. Registrar la fecha y hora de acceso a cualquiera de las páginas del Sitio. Comprobar la necesidad de mantener la sesión de un usuario abierta o crear una nueva. Identificar la sesión del usuario, para recoger la ubicación geográfica aproximada del ordenador que accede al Sitio con efectos estadísticos. Más información
amp_tokenpersistent1 añoIncluye un token que se puede utilizar para recuperar un ID de cliente del servicio de IDs de cliente de AMP. Otros posibles valores indican inhabilitaciones, solicitudes en curso o errores obtenidos al recuperar un IDs del servicio de IDs de cliente de AMP.
_gacsession90 díasIncluye información de la campaña relativa al usuario. Si has vinculado tus cuentas de Google Analytics y Google Ads, las etiquetas de conversión en sitio web de Google Ads leerán esta cookie, a menos que la inhabilites.